Equality North Carolina joins you in celebrating the end of Donald Trump's presidency, a reign of terror that left vulnerable Americans fearful for their lives and safety on a daily basis. Because of your hard work throughout this election cycle, LGBTQ Americans, Black and Brown folks, immigrants and folks from all marginalized backgrounds have the possibility of a brighter future on the horizon.
In particular, we're celebrating Kamala Harris becoming Vice President-elect, a historic win as the first woman and woman of color to serve in the role
Joe and Kamala's wins in no way will fix all of our problems. We're still in the midst of a raging pandemic, unemployment remains at an all-time high and we're facing a terrifying judicial makeup from the highest courts in the land all the way down. But at least for today, we can rest assured that leaders with our community's best interests at heart will soon be governing from the highest office in the land, and Equality North Carolina will be working alongside them every step of the way.
We've got this.