News • May 4, 2020

Equality North Carolina: The Path Forward

In the time since our last QNotes article, the world around us changed beyond recognition. The ongoing COVID-19 crisis is disproportionately impacting our communities and the most vulnerable among us while revealing massive flaws and holes within our social and political systems. All the while, so many of us are isolated in our homes without access to physical community spaces or support systems we'd long since become reliant upon.

Those being most heavily impacted by the COVID-19 crisis are, in many cases, the communities who were already under the most threat in our nation: resource-poor folks, people of color, immigrants, undocumented individuals, people experiencing homelessness, people engaging in underground economies like sex work and people without access to healthcare. In many ways, it makes the reality of intersectional oppression even pronounced and visible through a lens that we haven't seen before.

It's a scary time to be alive, but Equality North Carolina (ENC) is working around the clock to try and plug in where we can and support those who need it most during this ongoing crisis.

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